
  • 1999-2008 南开大学 本科-硕士-博士


  • 2008年-2014年 微软研究院 研究员
  • 2014年至今 中国人民大学


检索增强的大模型(Retrieval Augmented Generation)
多模态与跨模态检索(Multi-modal Retrieval)
生成式检索(Generative Retrieval)
对话式搜索(Conversational Search)
大语言模型(Large Language Model)
预训练模型(Pretrained Models)
智慧司法(Legal AI)
个性化搜索、对话与推荐(Personalized Search, Dialogue, and Recommendation)
多样化搜索与推荐(Diversified Search and Recommendation)






  • 数据结构
  • 大数据分析导论
  • 网络群体与市场
  • 计算机科学研究方法概论
  • 学术规范与论文写作
  • 互联网文本分析
  • 程序设计实践
  • 智能信息检索
  • AI+创研


  • 基于深度学习的个性化搜索技术研究,自然科学基金面上项目
  • 基于法律法规的司法解释文件核查关键技术研究,国家重点研发计划课题
  • 信息检索中搜索结果个性化和多样化融合技术研究,自然科学基金青年项目
  • 交互式文本数据多维分析方法研究,北京理工大学
  • 基于大规模裁判文书和法律论坛数据的中国法制现状研究,中国法学会
  • 基于UCL的中文信息处理应用理论体系,中国电子技术标准化研究院
  • 互联网演艺设备大数据采集、抽取和检索技术研究,文化部科技文化提升项目
  • 农业互联网大数据采集、分析与展示合作项目,北京金禾天成科技有限公司







Socialformer: Social Network Inspired Long Document Modeling for Document Ranking
Yujia Zhou, Zhicheng Dou*, Huaying Yuan and Zhengyi Ma
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022 (WWW ’22)

A Category-aware Multi-interest Model for Personalized Product Search
Jiongnan Liu, Zhicheng Dou*, Qiannan Zhu, and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022 (WWW ’22)

A Gain-Tuning Dynamic Negative Sampler for Recommendation
Qiannan Zhu, Haobo Zhang, Qing He, and Zhicheng Dou*
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022 (WWW ’22)

Improving Session Search by Modeling Multi-Granularity Historical Query Change
Xiaochen Zuo, Zhicheng Dou*, Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM '22)

Improving Personalized Search with Dual-Feedback Network
Chenlong Deng, Yujia Zhou, and Zhicheng Dou*
Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM '22)

Leveraging Multi-view Inter-passage Interactions for Neural Document Ranking
Chengzhen Fu, Enrui Hu, Letian Feng, Zhicheng Dou, Yantao Jia, Lei Chen, Pan Yu, and Zhao Cao
Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM '22)

Looking Back on the Past: Active Learning with Historical Evaluation Results
Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou*, Jian-Yun Nie, and Ji-Rong Wen
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

Enhancing Potential Re-finding in Personalized Search with Hierarchical Memory Networks
Yujia Zhou, Zhicheng Dou* and Ji-Rong Wen
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

Clarifying Ambiguous Keywords with Personal Word Embeddings for Personalized Search
Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou*, and Ji-Rong Wen
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst.

Leveraging Narrative to Generate Movie Script
Yutao Zhu, Ruihua Song, Jian-Yun Nie, Pan Du, Zhicheng Dou, and Jin Zhou
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst.

Less is More: Pre-training a Strong Siamese Encoder Using a Weak Decoder
Shuqi Lu, Chenyan Xiong, Di He, Guolin Ke, Waleed Malik, Zhicheng Dou, Paul Bennett, Tie-Yan Liu, Arnold Overwijk
The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Information retrieval: a view from the Chinese IR community
Zhumin Chen, Xueqi Cheng, Shoubin Dong, Zhicheng Dou, Jiafeng Guo, Xuanjing Huang, Yanyan Lan, Chenliang Li, Ru Li, Tie-Yan Liu, Yiqun Liu, Jun Ma, Bing Qin, Mingwen Wang, Ji-Rong Wen, Jun Xu, Min Zhang, Peng Zhang, Qi Zhang
Frontiers of Computer Science

Content Selection Network for Document-grounded Retrieval-based Chatbots
Yutao Zhu, Jian-Yun Nie, Kun Zhou, Pan Du, and Zhicheng Dou
Proceedings of the 43rd edition of the annual BCS-IRSG European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2021) 
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Neural Sentence Ordering Based on Constraint Graphs
Yutao Zhu, Kun Zhou, Jian-Yun Nie, Shengchao Liu, and Zhicheng Dou
Proceedings of The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021) (CCF A) 
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FedPS: A Privacy Protection Enhanced Personalized Search Framework
Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou*, and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of 30th The Web Conference (WWW 2021) (CCF A) 
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RLPS: A Reinforcement Learning based Framework for Personalized Search
Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou*, Jun Xu, and Ji-Rong Wen
Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS 2021) (CCF A) 
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Looking Back on the Past: Active Learning with Historical Evaluation Results
Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou*, Jian-Yun Nie, and Ji-Rong Wen
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
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Proactive Retrieval-based Chatbots based on Relevant Knowledge and Goals
Yutao Zhu, Jian-Yun Nie, Kun Zhou, Pan Du, Hao Jiang, andZhicheng Dou
In Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIRConference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’21),July 11–15, 2021, Virtual Event, Canada
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Answer Complex Questions: Path Ranker Is All You Need
Xinyu Zhang, Ke Zhan, Enrui Hu, Chengzhen Fu, Lan Luo, Hao Jiang, Yantao Jia, Pan Yu, Zhao Cao, Zhicheng Dou, Lei Chen
In Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIRConference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’21),July 11–15, 2021, Virtual Event, Canada
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Pchatbot: A Large-Scale Dataset for Personalized Chatbot
Hongjin Qian, Xiaohe Li, Hanxun Zhong, Yu Guo, Yueyuan Ma, Yutao Zhu, Zhanliang Liu, Zhicheng Dou*, and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIRConference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’21),July 11–15, 2021, Virtual Event, Canada
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Group based Personalized Search by Integrating Search Behaviourand Friend Network
Yujia Zhou, Zhicheng Dou*, Bingzheng Wei, Ruobing Xie, and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIRConference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’21),July 11–15, 2021, Virtual Event, Canada
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Modeling Intent Graph for Search Result Diversification
Zhan Su, Zhicheng Dou*,Yutao Zhu, Xubo Qin, and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIRConference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’21),July 11–15, 2021, Virtual Event, Canada
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One Chatbot Per Person: Creating Personalized Chatbots based onImplicit User Profiles
Zhengyi Ma, Zhicheng Dou*, Yutao Zhu, Hanxun Zhong, and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIRConference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’21),July 11–15, 2021, Virtual Event, Canada
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Contrastive Learning of User BehaviorSequence for Context-Aware Document Ranking
Yutao Zhu, Jian-Yun Nie, Zhicheng Dou*, Zhengyi Ma, Xinyu Zhang, Pan Du,Xiaochen Zuo, and Hao Jiang
In Proceedings of the 30thACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’21), November 1–5, 2021, Virtual Event, QLD, Australia
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Pre-training for Ad-hoc Retrieval: Hyperlink is Also You Need
Zhengyi Ma, Zhicheng Dou*, Wei Xu, Xinyu Zhang, Hao Jiang, Zhao Cao,and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference onInformation and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’21), November 1–5, 2021,Virtual Event, QLD, Australia
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USER: A Unified Information Search and Recom-mendation Model based on Integrated Behavior Sequence
Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou*, Ruobing Xie, Yanxiong Lu, Zhiping Wang and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings ofthe 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Man-agement (CIKM ’21), November 1–5, 2021, Virtual Event, QLD, Australia
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Learning Implicit User Profiles for Personalized Retrieval-Based Chatbot
Hongjin Qian, Zhicheng Dou*, Yutao Zhu, Yueyuan Ma, and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’21), November 1–5, 2021, Virtual Event, QLD, Australia
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PSSL: Self-supervised Learning for Personalized Search with Contrastive Sampling
Yujia Zhou, Zhicheng Dou*, Yutao Zhu, Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’21), November 1–5, 2021, Virtual Event, QLD, Australia
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ScriptWriter: Narrative-Guided Script Generation
Yutao Zhu, Ruihua Song, Zhicheng Dou*, Jian-Yun Nie, and Jin Zhou
In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, {ACL} 2020, Online, July 5-10, 2020: 8647-8657 (ACL 2020) (CCF A)

Enhancing Re-finding Behavior with External Memories for Personalized Search
Yujia Zhou, Zhicheng Dou*, and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of the 21th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM '20)

Leveraging Multi-token Entities in Document-level Named Entity Recognition
Anwen Hu, Zhicheng Dou*, Jian-Yun Nie, and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020) (CCF A)

RLPer: A Reinforcement Learning Model for Personalized Search
Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou*, Jun Xu, and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, April 20--24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan (WWW 2020) (CCF A)

Knowledge Enhanced Personalized Search
Shuqi Lu, Zhicheng Dou*, Chenyan Xiong, Xiaojie Wang and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2020) (CCF A)

DVGAN: A Minimax Game for Search Result Diversification Combining Explicit and Implicit Features
Jiongnan Liu, Zhicheng Dou*, Xiaojie Wang, Shuqi Lu and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2020) (CCF A)

Encoding History with Context-aware Representation Learning for Personalized Search
Yujia Zhou, Zhicheng Dou* and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2020) (CCF A)

Employing Personal Word Embeddings for Personalized Search
Jing Yao, Zhicheng Dou* and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2020) (CCF A)

Diversifying Search Results using Self-Attention Network
Xubo Qin, Zhicheng Dou* and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020) (CCF B)

PSTIE: Time Information Enhanced Personalized Search
Zhengyi Ma, Zhicheng Dou*, Guanyue Bian, and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020) (CCF B)

Document-Level Named Entity Recognition by Incorporating Global and Neighbor Features
Anwen Hu, Zhicheng Dou*, and Ji-Rong Wen
Information Retrieval (CCIR 2019 Proceedings)
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Product Category Mining Associated with Weibo Hot Topics
Xiaochen Zuo, Zhicheng Dou*, Zhen Huang, Shuqi Lu
Journal of Computer Research and Development

Research On Structural Data Extraction in Surgical Cases
Shuqi Lu, Zhicheng Dou*, and Ji-Rong Wen
Chinese Journal of Computer (2019)

A Survey on Search Result Diversification
Zhicheng Dou*, Xubo Qin, and Ji-Rong Wen
Chinese Journal of Computer (2019)

Dynamic Personalized Search Based on RNN with Attention Mechanism
Yujia Zhou, , Zhicheng Dou*, Songwei Ge, and Ji-Rong Wen
Chinese Journal of Computer (2019)

Deep Cross-platform Product Matching in E-commerce
Juan Li, Zhicheng Dou*, Yutao Zhu, Xiaochen Zuo, and Ji-Rong Wen
Information Retrieval Journal (2019)

ReBoost: A Retrieval-Boosted Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Neural Response Generation
Yutao Zhu, Zhicheng Dou*, Jian-Yun Nie, and Ji-Rong Wen
Information Retrieval Journal (2019)

Low-cost, bottom-up measures for evaluating search result diversification
Zhicheng Dou*, Xue Yang, Diya Li, Ji-Rong Wen, and Tetsuya Sakai
Information Retrieval Journal (2019)

PSGAN: A Minimax Game for Personalized Search with Limited and Noisy Click Data
Shuqi Lu, Zhicheng Dou*, Xu Jun, Jian-Yun Nie, and Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval: 555-564 (SIGIR 2019) (CCF A)

Search Result Diversity Evaluation based on Intent Hierarchies
Xiaojie Wang, Zhicheng Dou, Tetsuya Sakai, and Ji-Rong Wen
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 30(1), 156-169, 2018 CCF A corresponding author

Information Retrieval Technology - 13th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference
Won-Kyung Sung, Hanmin Jung, Shuo Xu, Krisana Chinnasarn, Kazutoshi Sumiya, Jeonghoon Lee, Zhicheng Dou, Grace Hui Yang, Young-Guk Ha, Seungbock Lee
AIRS 2017, Jeju Island, South Korea, November 22-24, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10648, Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-70144-8

基于词项图分析的查询分面挖掘方法 [J]
基于词项图分析的查询分面挖掘方法 [J]
计算机学报, 2017, 40(3):556-569. first author

Generating Query Facets Using Knowledge Bases
Zhengbao Jiang, Zhicheng Dou, Ji-Rong Wen
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 29(2): 315-329 (2017) CCF A corresponding author

To appear in SIGIR 2017 CCF A corresponding author
Zhengbao Jiang, Ji-Rong Wen, Zhicheng Dou, Wayne Xin Zhao, Jian-Yun Nie, Ming Yue. Learning to Diversify Search Results via Subtopic Attention
(Accepted) CCF A corresponding author Online

Content-based Collaborative Filtering for News Topic Recommendation
Zhongqi Lu, Zhicheng Dou, Xing Xie, Jianxun Lian, Qiang Yang
In Proceedings of Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2015), Austin Texas, USA, Jan 25-29, 2015. CCF A corresponding author

Information Retrieval Technology - 12th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference
Shaoping Ma, Ji-Rong Wen, Yiqun Liu, Zhicheng Dou, Min Zhang, Yi Chang, Xin Zhao
AIRS 2016, Beijing, China, November 30 - December 2, 2016,Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9994, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-48050-3

Ming Yue, Zhicheng Dou, Sha Hu, Jinxiu Li, Xiao-Jie Wang, Ji-Rong Wen
NTCIR 2016

Overview of the NTCIR-12 IMine-2 Task
Takehiro Yamamoto, Yiqun Liu, Min Zhang, Zhicheng Dou, Ke Zhou, Ilya Markov, Makoto P. Kato, Hiroaki Ohshima, Sumio Fujita
NTCIR 2016

Following the dynamic block on the Web
Sha Hu, Ji-Rong Wen, Zhicheng Dou, Shuo Shang
World Wide Web 19(6): 1077-1101 (2016)

Automatically Mining Facets for Queries from Their Search Results
Zhicheng Dou, Zhengbao Jiang, Sha Hu, Ji-Rong Wen, Ruihua Song
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. (TKDE) 28(2):385-397 (2016) CCF A first author

Evaluating Search Result Diversity using Intent Hierarchies
Xiaojie Wang, Zhicheng Dou, Tetsuya Sakai, and Ji-Rong Wen
In Proceedings of SIGIR, 2016. CCF A corresponding author

Overview of the NTCIR-11 IMine Task
Yiqun Liu, Ruihua Song, Min Zhang, Zhicheng Dou, Takehiro Yamamoto, Makoto Kato, Hiroaki Ohshima, Ke Zhou
Proceedings of the 11th NTCIR conference.11th NTCIR conference2014

窦志成, 文继荣
大数据, 2015(3).36-47 (2015-09-20)

金融电子化, 2015(11):59-61.

Search Result Diversification Based on Query Facets J
Sha Hu, Zhicheng Dou, Xiao-Jie Wang, Ji-Rong Wen
Comput. Sci. Technol. (JCST) 30(4):888-901 (2015)

Search Result Diversification Based on Hierarchical Intents
Sha Hu, Zhicheng Dou, Xiaojie Wang, Tetsuya Sakai, and Ji-Rong Wen. 2015
In Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM \'15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 63-72. DOI="http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2806416.2806455" CCF B corresponding author

Detecting and Monitoring Dynamic Content Blocks of a Web Page by Merging its Historical Versions
Shu Tang, Zhicheng Dou, Xing Xie, and Jun He
in SIGIR 2014 Workshop on Temporal, Social and Spatially-aware Information Access (TAIA2014), 2014

Personalizing Web Search Results Based on Subspace Projection
Jingfei Li, Dawei Song, Peng Zhang, Ji-Rong Wen, and Zhicheng Dou
Proceedings of the 10th Asia Information Retrieval Society Conference (AIRS 2014)

Revisiting the Evaluation of Diversified Search Evaluation Metrics with User Preferences
Fei Chen, Yiqun Liu, Zhicheng Dou, Keyang Xu, Yujie Cao, Min Zhang, and Shaoping Ma
Proceedings of the 10th Asia Information Retrieval Society Conference (AIRS 2014)

中文信息学院, 2014, 31(4): 165-173.

The Reusability of a Diversified Search Test Collection
Tetsuya Sakai, Zhicheng Dou, Ruihua song, and Noriko Kando
in Information Retrieval Technology (AIRS 2012), pages 26-38, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 20 December 2012 (The Best Paper Award)

Kazuya Narita, Tetsuya Sakai, Zhicheng Dou, and Young-In Song
in Proceedings of the 10th NTCIR Conference, 2013

Microsoft Research Asia at the NTCIR-10 Intent Task
Kosetsu Tsukuda, Zhicheng Dou, and Tetsuya Sakai
in Proceedings of the 10th NTCIR Conference, June 2013

Overview of the NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 Task
Tetsuya Sakai, Zhicheng Dou, Takehiro Yamamoto, Yiqun Liu, Min Zhang, and Ruihua Song
in Proceedings of the 10th NTCIR Conference, pages 94-123, June 18-21, 2013

Summary of the NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 Task: Subtopic Mining and Search Result Diversification
Tetsuya Sakai, Zhicheng Dou, Takehiro Yamamoto, Yiqun Liu, Min Zhang, Makoto Kato, Ruihua Song, and Mayu Iwata
in Proceedings of the 36th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR 2013), pages 761 - 764, ACM, 2013 CCF A

The Impact of Intent Selection on Diversified Search Evaluation
Tetsuya Sakai, Zhicheng Dou, and Carles Clarke
in Proceedings of the 36th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR 2013), pages 921-924, ACM, 2013 CCF A

Summaries、Ranked Retrieval and Sessions: A Unified Framework for Information Access Evaluation
Tetsuya Sakai and Zhicheng Dou
in Proceedings of the 36th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR 2013), pages 473-482, ACM, 2013 (The Best Paper Runner-Up Award) CCF A

Mining Subtopics from Text Fragments for a Web Query
Qinglei Wang, Yanan Qian, Ruihua Song, Zhicheng Dou, Fan Zhang, Tetsuya Sakai, and Qinghua Zheng
in Information Retrieval 16(4) pages 484-503, 2013

Evaluating Heterogeneous Information Access
Ke Zhou, Tetsuya Sakai, Mounia Lalmas, Zhicheng Dou, and Joemon M. Jose
in ACM SIGIR 2013 Workshop on Modeling User Behavior for Information Access Evaluation,

Estimating Intent Types for Search Result Diversification
Kosetsu Tsukuda, Tetsuya Sakai, Zhicheng Dou, and Katsumi Tanaka
in Information Retrieval Technology, pages 25-37, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013

Improving Web Search Ranking by Incorporating Structured Annotation of Queries
Xiao Ding, Zhicheng Dou, Bing Qin, Ting Liu, and Ji-Rong Wen
in Proceedings of EMNLP 2013, pages 468-478, October 2013 CCF B corresponding author

Microsoft Research Asia at the NTCIR-9 Intent Task
Jialong Han, Qinglei Wang, Naoki Orii, Zhicheng Dou, Tetsuya Sakai, and Ruihua Song
in Proceedings of the 10th NTCIR Conference (NTCIR-9), National Institute of Informatics, 2011

Finding Dimensions for Queries
Zhicheng Dou
in Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management (CIKM 2011), pages 1311-1320, ACM, 2011 CCF B first author

Multi-dimensional Search Result Diversification
Zhicheng Dou, Sha Hu, Kun Chen, Ruihua Song, and Ji-Rong Wen
in Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (WSDM 2011), pages 475-484, ACM, February 2011 CCF B first author

Learning Query Ambiguity Models by Using Search Logs
Ruihua Song, Zhicheng Dou, Hsiao-Wuen Hon, and Yong Yu
Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 25(4), pages 782-738, Springer, July 2010

Simple Evaluation Metrics for Diversified Search Results
Tetsuya Sakai, Nick Craswell, Ruihua Song, Stephen Robertson, Zhicheng Dou, and Chin-Yew Lin
in Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA), Volumn 26, pages 27, National Institute of Informatics, June 2010

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Personalized Web Search
Zhicheng Dou, Ruihua Song, Ji-Rong Wen, and Xiaojie Yuan
in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 21(8), pages 1178-1190, IEEE computer Society Digital Library, Aug., 2009 CCF A first author

Using Anchor Texts with Their Hyperlink Structure for Web Search
Zhicheng Dou, Ruihua Song, Jian-Yun Nie, and Ji-Rong Wen
in Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval(SIGIR 2009), pages 227-234, ACM, July 2009 CCF A first author

Personalized Web Search
Ji-Rong Wen, Zhicheng Dou, and Ruihua Song
in Encyclopedia of Database Systems, pages 2099-2103, Springer-Verlag, New York, USA, September 2009

Microsoft Research Asia at the Web Track of TREC 2009
Zhicheng Dou, Kun Chen, Ruihua Song, Yunxiao Ma, Shuming Shi, and Ji-Rong Wen
in Proceedings of TREC 2009, November 2009

Research on Distributed Index Mechanism for Large Dataset
Lu ZHANG, Xiao-jie YUAN, Fang LIU, and Zhicheng Dou
Microelectronics & Computer, Volume 10, Pages 037, 2008

窦志成, 袁晓洁, and 何松柏
计算机工程, 34(21), pages 40-44, 2008 (in Chinese)

Personalized Web Search Based on Dynamic User Profile (一种基于动态用户模型的个性化Web搜索算法)
Xiaojie Yuan, Zhicheng Dou, Fang Liu, and Lu Zhang
in NDBC 2008: Proceedings of the 25th National Database Conference (In Chinese), 2008

Automatic User Goals Identification Based on Anchor Text and Click-through Data
Xiaojie Yuan, Zhicheng Dou, Lu Zhang, and Fang Liu
in Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences (WISA2008), 13(4), pages 495-500, 2008

Analysis of Query Repetition in a Large-scale Chinese Search Log (大规模中文搜索日志中查询重复性分析)
Zhicheng Dou, Xiaojie Yuan, and Songbai He
in Computer Engineering (In Chinese), Volumn 21, 2008

Are click-through data adequate for learning web search rankings?
Zhicheng Dou, Ruihua Song, Xiaojie Yuan, and Ji-Rong Wen
in Proceeding of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management (CIKM 2008), pages 73-82, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2008 CCF B first author

A large-scale evaluation and analysis of personalized search strategies
Zhicheng Dou, Ruihua Song, and Ji-Rong Wen
in Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW2007), pages 581-590, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2007


  • 担任中文信息学会理事、中文信息学会信息检索专委会副主任、CCF大数据专家委员会秘书长。
  • 担任ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)和Information Retrieval Journal编委,担任SIGIR 2023短文程序主席、 亚洲信息检索学术会议AIRS大会主席(2016)、程序委员会主席(2017),全国信息检索学术会议CCIR程序委员会主席(2020)、大会主席(2023), NTCIR-16和NTCIR-17程序主席、中国大数据技术大会BDTC 2022程序主席等主席职务。
  • 长期担任SIGIR、TheWebConf、KDD、ACL等重要学术会议的程序委员会高级委员或领域主席,以及AAAI、IJCAI、WSDM、CIKM、EMNLP等会议的程序委员会委员。组织ACM TOIS专题特刊《Pre-trained Models for Search and Recommendation》。




