
  • 2015.10-2019.10 Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Cambridge (Supervisor: Prof. Cecilia Mascolo)
  • 2014.10-2015.9 M.Phil. in Land Economy Research, University of Cambridge
  • 2009.9-2014.7 B.Eng. in Urban Planning, Harbin Institute of Technology

Work Experience

  • 2021.3-Present Renmin University of China, Assistant Professor
  • 2018.6–2018.9 Microsoft Research Asia, Social Computing Group, Visiting Scholar (Mentor: Dr. Xing Xie)
  • 2020.2-2021.2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Postdoctoral Researcher


Spatio-Temporal Data Mining
Urban Computing
Human Mobility
Recommender Systems
Social Networks
Large Language Models-based Applications


  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for the Social Sciences (General Education Core Course)
  • Smart Cities
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Research Projects

(1) Project: Intelligent Health Management Assistant and Question-Answering System based on Large-scale Models (PI); Funding Agencies: OPPO Guangdong Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.
(2) Project: Research on Distributed Native Graph Storage and Computing Method for Graph Learning (PARTICIPANT); Funding Agencies: Natural Science Foundation of China.
(3) Project: Early Detection and Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multimodal Learning (PI); Funding Agencies: Natural Science Foundation of China.
(4) Project: Smart Health Research in Cities Based on Multimodal Perception and Fusion Technology (PI); Funding Agencies: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities Research Funds of Renmin University of China.
(5) Project: Online Video Game Recommender Systems (PI); Funding Agencies: China Unicom.
(6) Project: The Effect of Policies & Human Mobility on the COVID-19 Epidemic (PI); Funding Agencies: MIT.
(7) Project: The Changes in Physical Place & Digital Communication during the COVID Period (PARTICIPANT); Funding Agencies: MIT.


Leave No One Behind: Enhancing Diversity While Maintaining Accuracy in Social Recommendation
Lei Li, Xiao Zhou*
The 30th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 25)

CureGraph: Contrastive Multi-Modal Graph Representation Learning for Urban Living Circle Health Profiling and Prediction
Jinlin Li, Xiao Zhou*
Artificial Intelligence (AIJ)

MotifGPL: Motif-Enhanced Graph Prototype Learning for Deciphering Urban Social Segregation
Tengfei He, Xiao Zhou*
In Proceedings of the 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 25)

FAP-CD: Fairness-Driven Age-Friendly Community Planning via Conditional Diffusion Generation
Jinlin Li, Xintong Li (本科生), Xiao Zhou*
In Proceedings of the 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 25)

CGAP: Urban Region Representation Learning with Coarsened Graph Attention Pooling
Zhuo Xu, Xiao Zhou*.
In Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2024)

MuseCL: Predicting Urban Socioeconomic Indicators via Multi-Semantic Contrastive Learning
Xixian Yong, Xiao Zhou*.
In Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2024)

Tail-STEAK: Improve Friend Recommendation for Tail Users via Self-Training Enhanced Knowledge Distillation
Yijun Ma, Chaozhuo Li, Xiao Zhou*.
In Proceedings of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024).

Ada-Retrieval: An Adaptive Multi-Round Retrieval Paradigm for Sequential Recommendations
Lei Li, Jianxun Lian, Xiao Zhou*, Xing Xie.
In Proceedings of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024).

Causally Aware Generative Adversarial Networks for Light Pollution Control
Yuyao Zhang (本科生), Ke Guo (本科生), Xiao Zhou*.
In Proceedings of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024).

M2EU: Meta Learning for Cold-start Recommendation via Enhancing User Preference Estimation.
Zhenchao Wu, Xiao Zhou*.
In Proceedings of 46th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. SIGIR 2023

Reconstructing Human Activities via Coupling Mobile Phone Data with Location-based Social Networks
Le Huang, Fan Xia, Hui Chen, Bowen Hu, Xiao Zhou, Chunxiao Li, Yaohui Jin, Yanyan Xu.
Travel Behaviour and Society

Phase-wise Evaluation and Optimization of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions to Contain the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US
Xiao Zhou*, Xiaohu Zhang, Paolo Santi, Carlo Ratti.
Frontiers in Public Health

Personalized Query Suggestion with Searching Dynamic Flow for Online Recruitment
Zile Zhou#, Xiao Zhou#, Mingzhe Li, Yang Song, Tao Zhang, Rui Yan.
In Proceedings of 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM 2022).

Topic-Enhanced Memory Networks for Personalised Point-of-Interest Recommendation
Xiao Zhou*, Cecilia Mascolo, Zhongxiang Zhao.
In Proceedings of ACM Int. Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data (KDD 2019).

Collaborative Metric Learning with Memory Network for Multi-Relational Recommender Systems
Xiao Zhou*, Danyang Liu, Jianxun Lian, Xing Xie.
In Proceedings of 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019).

Predicting the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Chronic Diseases in Population with Human Mobility Data
Yingzi Wang, Xiao Zhou, Anastasios Noulas, Cecilia Mascolo, Xing Xie, Enhong Chen.
In Proceedings of 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2018).

Discovering Latent Patterns of Urban Cultural Interactions in WeChat for Modern City Planning
Xiao Zhou*, Anastasios Noulas, Cecilia Mascolo, Zhongxiang Zhao.
In Proceedings of ACM Int. Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data (KDD 2018).

Detecting Socio-Economic Impact of Cultural Investment through Geo-Social Network Analysis
Xiao Zhou*, DesislavaHristova, Anastasios Noulas, Cecilia Mascolo.
In Proceedings of 11th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2017).

Cultural Investment and Urban Socio-Economic Development: A Geo-Social Network Approach
Xiao Zhou*, Desislava Hristova, Anastasios Noulas, Cecilia Mascolo, Max Sklar.
Royal Society open science4.9 (2017): 170413.

Evaluating the Impact of the 2012 Olympic Games Policy on the Regeneration of East London Using Spatio-Temporal Big Data
Xiao Zhou*, Desislava Hristova, Anastasios Noulas, Cecilia Mascolo.
In Proceedings ofInternational Conference on Frontiers of Data Science for Government: Ideas, Practices, and Projections (Data for Policy 2016).

Conservation and Utilisation of Revolutionary Sites Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Analysis
Xiao Zhou, Shuyuan Li, Huiwen He, Ming Lu.
(in Chinese). In Proceedings of Annual National Planning Conference 2014. September2014.


  • Executive Member of Ubiquitous Computing Committee at China Computer Federation (CCF)
  • SPC/PC/Reviewer: Nature Communications; TheWebConf; KDD; AAAI; IJCAI; RecSys; PAKDD; TKDE; TIST; Pervasive and Mobile Computing; EPJ Data Science; Future Cities Challenge; Netmob conference.



